Rehabilitation For Work-Related Injuries in St. John's
We know work injuries can happen, so we are partnered with WorkplaceNL to help you get back to work. WorkplaceNL only covers services provided by clinics that have signed the current Memorandum of Agreement. Our healthcare providers at action physiotherapy (physiotherapists, massage therapists, and kinesiologists) are ready to help you with a safe and early return to the most productive employment possible.

For Work-related injuries, Action Physiotherapy provides therapy-based rehabilitation services by regulated health professionals
Physiotherapy and WorkplaceNL
In the case of new injuries, an injured worker may be referred to a physiotherapist by their family physician, OR you may contact our clinic directly if it has been 2 weeks or less since your date of injury. For injuries that are greater than 2 weeks in duration, a physician referral is required before your physiotherapy assessment.
Massage Therapy and WorkplaceNL
WorkplaceNL may cover up to six massage therapy sessions per claim provided by a registered massage therapist if:
- The request is accompanied by a physician referral indicating the expected benefit of this treatment modality toward the overall function of the injured worker
- The request relates to the compensable injury
- Massage therapy is in conjunction with an active treatment program such as physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, clinic-based occupational rehabilitation, worksite occupational rehabilitation, or a progressive goal attainment program.
Get in Touch Via Email Or Call Us At 709-702-0096 To Book An Appointment.